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Version: SDK-3.10

Development Resources


Use and appId and secret signatures for the graphite server to verify the legitimacy of the request.

The result of the signature (i.e., the value of the signature) is a JSON Web Token (JWT) format string, and its structure includes three parts: Header, Payload, and Signature.

JWT 通常形式为 xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz

  • Header 部分
    • The following fields are included by default: alg and typ
      • alg stands for Signature Algorithm and usually defaults to HS256
      • typ identifies the token type, and the type of JSON Web Token defaults to JWT
    • Add the kid field with the value of AppId
  • Payload
    • Only the exp field can be added, and the value is the number of seconds of the expiration time of the JWT , for example, 1612411882 (if the value of seconds in the current time is smaller than the value of the exp field, it means that the expiration time has not been reached, and the signature will not be judged to be invalid).
    • When the /admin relevant API is requested, additional information is added fileId

Data structure before signing:


"alg": "HS256", // 默认字段
"typ": "JWT", // 默认字段
"kid": "your AppId"


"exp": 1612411882

Payload parameter

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesRequiredillustrate
Expnumber1612411882beThe expiration time of the signature is called
scopestringlicensenotAPIs used to access certain scopes, as described in the corresponding API descriptions

Java examples

Use For example

// JDK8或以上
String signature = JWT.create()
// .withClaim("scope", "license") // 如果调用需要scope参数的接口,需要添加此行
.withKeyId("your shimo sdk AppId")
.withExpiresAt(new Date().toInstant().plus(4, ChronoUnit.MINUTES))
.sign(Algorithm.HMAC256("your shimo sdk AppSecret"));

Callback certificate type

Because there are different triggering scenarios for request callbacks, there are different credential types, which are specified by the HTTP header of the callback request X-Shimo-Credential-Type. Known Credential Types:

  • X-Shimo-Credential-Type == 0This type is usually triggered by the user's operation behavior, such as opening a page, editing a file, etc., and the request will X-Shimo-Token be issued by the accessor through the HTTP header carrying the user during the browser operation token
  • X-Shimo-Credential-Type == 3, This type is usually triggered by the Graphite SDK, such as the update of cross-table references, etc., and the request will be verified by the HTTP header X-Shimo-Signature according to the current appId secret active signature of the accessing party for the accessing callback to confirm whether the request comes from the Graphite SDK


The purpose of the JSSDK is to generate an editor address that points to the graphite server, which is then loaded into the current page as an iframe. It also encapsulates the iframe page communication method. The following actions/events can be achieved using the JSSDK:

  • Open the sidebar (show and hide features such as history, version, global discussion, etc.)
  • Get a list of current collaborators
  • Subscribing to a document saves success/failure events
  • More actions and events are being added on the way

JSSDK is published as an npm package, click-through access, and webpack.