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Version: SDK-3.10

The access party implements the interface


⚠️ Unless otherwise specified, all requests are , HTTPand both the request header and the return header Content-Type are application/json .

⚠️ The representation in the interface {xxxx} requires the user to replace it with its own value in the interface address, for example, /users/{userId} the real call address of may be , /users/123and this parameter will be described in the form of in the interface description userId .

⚠️ For example, if user A creates Table 1 and references Table 2 and shares it with User B, when User B accesses Table 1, you need to check whether User A still has permission to access Table 2.


The following table shows a complete list of APIs that need to be implemented in known scenarios when the Graphite SDK is accessed, as shown in the following table.

If the accessing party is only interested in some functions, refer to the List of Interfaces in Common Function Scenarios.

interfacePurpose of the interfaceillustrate
GET /filesGet a list of files for the current userThis API is requested to add cross-table formulas, merge worksheets, and so on, and select a list of files that the user has recently used
GET /files/{fileId}Get File Meta Information - Collaborate DocumentThis API is requested to obtain basic information and permissions, such as creation, import, and editing
GET /files/{fileId}Get file meta information - file previewThis API is requested when you get the basic information, download address, and preview the file
GET /files/{fileId}/collaboratorsGet the current collaborating userUsed to obtain the collaborator list information of the collaboration file (the accessing party can control which users are collaborators), such as the comment is synchronized to other users in real time, and it is used to obtain the collaborator list and send comment events
POST /files/{fileId}/urlObtain the complete access address of the file specified by the access partyWhen @ other files in the file, a jump link address of the Graphite SDK will be retained in the file after the file is exported, and when the link is opened, the current complete access link will be obtained through this interface, and the access link will be redirected to the access party file address after obtainment
GET /admin/files/{fileId}Get File Meta Information - Collaborative Document Automated TaskThis API is requested when an automatic task fetches basic information (currently only cross-table reference tasks).
GET /admin/files/{fileId}/by-user-idObtain file meta information according to the specified user - automatic task of collaborative documentsThis API is requested when the Graphite SDK needs to actively obtain the basic information of the file (currently only cross-table reference scenarios).
GET /users/current/infoGet the current user informationObtain the ID, name, and address of the current user, and use this API to obtain the user's identity information when creating, editing, and importing
GET /users/current/teamGet information about the team the current user belongs toGet the ID, name, and total number of team members of the team to which the current user belongs
GET /users/{userId}Obtain user informationThis API is requested when you obtain the basic information of the user, such as the ID, name, and avatar image address, and obtains the specified user information in the collaboration scenario
GET /users/{userId}/watermarkObtain the user watermark informationTo obtain the watermark information of a specified user, you can obtain the required watermark field or return empty according to the needs of your business system
GET /users/{userId}/department-pathsObtain the user's department pathObtain the department path of a specified user, and obtain the required department path or return empty according to the needs of your business system
POST /users/batch/getObtain user information in batchesProvide information about multiple specified users, such as ID, name, and avatar image address. If you want to display the information of multiple users when you want to display the history of multiple users in the sidebar, this API is requested
GET /teams/{teamId}/membersGet a list of members under the teamObtain the list of members of a specified team and query the list results based on the pagination information
GET /departments/{departmentId}Get departmental informationGet information about a specified department, including department ID, name, total number of department members
GET /departments/{departmentId}/childrenGets the sub-department nodes of the departmentObtain the subordinate department nodes of the specified department, including the department ID, name, and total number of department members
GET /departments/{departmentId}/membersGet a paginated list of members under the departmentObtain the paginated list of members in a specified department, and obtain the list of users in the current pagination and the total number of members
GET /search/users/recentGet a list of users related to the fileWhen entering @ in a file, in order to display the drop-down menu, select the mentioned user, because there is no keyword entered at this time, the accessing party can return according to its own system situation, such as: the list of users most related to the current user, the list of users most related to the current file, or return an empty array
GET /search/files/recentGet a list of files related to the fileWhen entering @ in a file, display the drop-down menu, select the mentioned file, because there is no keyword entered at this time, the accessor can return according to its own system situation, such as: the list of files most relevant to the current user, the list of files most related to the current file, or return an empty array
POST /searchSearch for files or users based on keywordsWhen entering @, if you need to return the corresponding file list and user list by requesting the access party system according to the keyword, you can return the corresponding field to an empty array if you don't need it. This interface is involved when adding people to a table lock
POST /eventsPush Graphite SDK related eventsThe service provider selectively processes the event data that needs to be cared for. For example, when someone takes action on a comment, discussion, mentions, etc., some actions will trigger this event


When editing using a collaborative document
内容``评论 {#feature-mention-at} when using the @ and @ mentioned (@) file functions in讨论 the collaboration document
When using the Collaborative Document 导入 or 导出 Feature
{#feature-sheets} when using professional tables across table formulas, when merging worksheets

Since the cross-tabular and merge worksheets are only for tabular files, the interface for searching the file list will filter out type: spreadsheet files of type , without which the list may be empty.

When using the professional form lock feature
Third-party file previews
When you need to customize the functions of the business system through graphite collaborative document events
  • POST /events pushes events related to the Graphite SDK
When mentioning at or table locking, select the department or department member

Related concepts refer to Teams & Departments


Basic concepts

File permissions

Permissions 字段

The name of the fieldtypeillustrate
CommentablebooleanWhether the user can comment
editablebooleanWhether the user can make edits
readablebooleanWhether the user can access the document
copyablebooleanWhether the user can copy the content of the document. editable last true ,copyable must be true .
ExportablebooleanWhether the user can export
manageablebooleanWhether the user can manage the document, such as deleting it

Get the file list of the current user

This API is requested to add cross-table formulas, merge worksheets, and so on, and select a list of files that the user has recently used

The address of the request

GET /files

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Query Parameters

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
limitnumber123Maximum number of articles ID
orderBystringcreated_atThe results are sorted by when the file was created or last modified, and you can choose created_at, updated_at

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstringBA13551165CC5066The ID of the document in the service provider's system
items[0].namestringfile titleThe title of the document
items[0].typestringdocumentProThe list of document types refers to creating a document, and if it is a non-graphite collaboration file stored by a third party, it will be fixed and file uploaded
items[0].creatorIdstring1The user ID of the creator of the ingestion file
items[0].createdAtstring2021-08-01T00:00:00ZThe time when the file was created recorded by the access partyUTC (0 time zone) in the format 2022-01-01T09:00:01Zof
items[0].updatedAtstring2021-08-02T00:00:00ZThe last update time of the file recorded by the access party,UTC the time (0 time zone), and the format is 2022-01-01T09:00:01Z
items[0].viewsnumber100The number of times a file is read by the ingestor and is used to display the number of views in the document. If the accessing party does not return, it will be displayed as 1 by default
items[0].permissionsobjectInformation about the user's permissions on the file

Response Example

"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例表格",
"type": "spreadsheet",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 100
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例文档",
"type": "document",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 100
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "接入方自己的文件.docx",
"type": "file",
"permissions": {
"commentable": false,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 0

Get File Meta Info-Collaborate Document

This API is requested to obtain basic information and permissions, such as creation, import, and editing

The address of the request

/ files / {fileId}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstring123The ID of the document in the service provider's system
namestringfile titleThe title of the document
typestringdocumentProFor a list of document types, refer to Creating a Document
creatorIdstring1The user ID of the creator of the ingestion file
createdAtstring2021-08-01T00:00:00ZThe time when the file was created recorded by the access partyUTC (0 time zone) in the format 2022-01-01T09:00:01Zof
updatedAtstring2021-08-02T00:00:00ZThe last update time of the file recorded by the access party,UTC the time (0 time zone), and the format is 2022-01-01T09:00:01Z
viewsnumber100The number of times a file is read by the ingestor and is used to display the number of views in the document. If the accessing party does not return, it will be displayed as 1 by default
permissionsobjectInformation about the user's permissions on the file
teamGuidstring123The ID of the team to which the accessing file belongs, optional. If this field is returned, the user.teamGuid field should also be implemented and returned

manageable 权限说明

⚠️ It is recommended to specify at least the permission to the creator of the file manageable: true , and if the accessing party allows others to have administrative rights, you can design and implement it yourself.

The following scenarios are used to use permissions:manageable

  • When calling the Graphite SDK to delete a file, you need to manageable be true
  • When you lock a table, if the current user has manageable permission of , the true current user is displayed as a manager
  • 更新 or a 删除 version created by someone else, the current user's permission on the file needs to manageable be true only allowed to be operated, otherwise it will be denied
  • When exporting a table, if the current user has the permission for this file manageable true , the exported file will contain the locked content of the table, otherwise the exported file content does not contain the locked content. :::


"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例文档",
"type": "document",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": true,
"readable": true,
"copyable": true,
"exportable": true
"views": 100,
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"teamGuid": "123" // 接入方文件所属团队 ID

Get File Meta Info-File Preview

This API is requested when you get the basic information, download address, and preview the file

⚠️ This API address is the same as that of "Get File Meta Information - Collaborative Document", but the return result is different, and the accessing party may need to distinguish whether the file is a graphite collaborative document or a common file.

The address of the request

/ files / {fileId}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstring123The file ID in the service provider's system
namestringfile titleFile title
typestringfileCurrently used to file denote a third-party file type
permissionsobjectInformation about the user's permissions on the file
downloadUrlstring to download the contents of an Office file when previewing it
extstringdocxThis field is used to identify the extension of this file when no identifiable information downloadUrlis returned in the HTTP Response Header or by the accessing party returned by the Content-Type graphite request download address (Content-Disposition). There is no need to bring ., if the file is , 测试文件.docx it should be passeddocx, if it is returned, it .docx may fail to recognize

⚠️ When requesting download, the accessor cannot return Content-Type and the Content-Disposition information is used for the Graphite SDK to identify the file type, and the ext Graphite SDK is informed of the extension of the file through the field returned in the meta information. For exampledocx, is recognized as a Word file.

ext The field does not have . , e.g. the file is , 测试文件.docx and should be returned docx. :::


⚠️ For security reasons, starting after 2021-12-01, you need to return permissions information to verify whether the current user has the appropriate permissions to obtain file information during preview.


"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例文档.docx",
"type": "file",
"permissions": {
"readable": true
"downloadUrl": "", // 文件预览时用到,协同文档留空
"ext": "docx" // 若下载地址返回的 Content-Type 或 Content-Disposition 可识别则此字段可选

Note: The graphite server will download downloadUrlthe file for parsing. You may need to set up a designated header for graphite to choose how to parse. For more details, please refer to the Header Requirements.

Get a list of collaborators for a file

Used to obtain the collaborator list information of the collaboration file (the accessing party can control which users are collaborators), such as the comment is synchronized to other users in real time, and it is used to obtain the collaborator list and send comment events


⚠️ When obtaining the list of collaborators in the table lock function, the accessing party must indicate whether the returned user is , 管理者which is used to display in the lock panel, and the manager cannot be locked by others. Not returning this field correctly can result in inconsistent managers in the list of collaborators seen by different users.

The address of the request

GET /files/{fileId}/collaborators

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
items[0].avatarstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].isManagerbooleantrueWhether the user is the administrator of this file

Response Body Example

"id": "user1",
"name": "testuser1",
"avatar": "http://your-domain/avatar-url",
"email": "",
"isManager": true // 指定此用户是否此文件的管理者
"id": "user2",
"name": "testuser2",
"avatar": "http://your-domain/avatar-url",
"email": "",
"isManager": false // 指定此用户是否此文件的管理者

Obtain the complete access address of the file specified by the accessing party

Obtain the complete access address of the accessing party through the accessing party file ID, which is usually used in collaborative document scenarios.

If there are @ associations with other files in the light document file, when the file is exported as docx, the @ association in the file will be converted into a jump link of the Graphite SDK, and when this jump link is accessed, the Graphite SDK will try to fileId redirect by obtaining the full access address of the access system.


⚠️ The interface is initiated by the Graphite SDK, and for security reasons, it is recommended to verify the HTTP header passed by this interface X-Shimo-Signature , and the signature algorithm is consistent with the method used by the accessing party to generate the signature.

The address of the request

POST /files/{fileId}/url

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-SignatureThe signature string signed by Graphite based on AppId, AppSecret and fileId is used by the accessing party to verify the validity of the request source

HTTP Request Body


HTTP Response Example

"url": "https://your-server-domain/path/to/url"

Get File Meta Information - Collaborative Document Automatic Task

This API is requested when an automatic task fetches basic information (currently only cross-table reference tasks).


⚠️ The interface is initiated by the Graphite SDK, and for security reasons, it is recommended to verify the HTTP header passed by this interface X-Shimo-Signature , and the signature algorithm is consistent with the method used by the accessing party to generate the signature.

The address of the request

GET /admin/files/{fileId}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Credential-Type3Unable to provide the callback credential type for the token
X-Shimo-SignatureGraphite's signature is based on the AppId and Secret information of the service provider, and the payload contains , fileId if it is inconsistent with the request parameters, it means that it is not a legitimate request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstring123The ID of the document in the service provider's system
namestringfile titleThe title of the document
typestringdocumentProFor a list of document types, refer to Creating a Document
creatorIdstring1The user ID of the creator of the ingestion file
createdAtstring2021-08-01T00:00:00ZThe time when the file was created recorded by the access partyUTC (0 time zone) in the format 2022-01-01T09:00:01Zof
updatedAtstring2021-08-02T00:00:00ZThe last update time of the file recorded by the access party,UTC the time (0 time zone), and the format is 2022-01-01T09:00:01Z
viewsnumber100The number of times a file is read by the ingestor and is used to display the number of views in the document. If the accessing party does not return, it will be displayed as 1 by default
permissionsobjectThe user's permission information on the filereadable needs to be true


"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "无标题表格",
"type": "spreadsheet",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": true,
"readable": true,
"copyable": true,
"exportable": true
"views": 100,
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z" // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时

Obtain file meta information based on a specified user - Collaborative Document

This API is requested when the Graphite SDK needs to actively obtain the basic information of the file (currently only cross-table reference scenarios).


⚠️ The interface is initiated by the Graphite SDK, and for security reasons, it is recommended to verify the HTTP header passed by this interface X-Shimo-Signature , and the signature algorithm is consistent with the method used by the accessing party to generate the signature.

The address of the request

GET /admin/files/{fileId}/by-user-id

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Credential-Type3Unable to provide the callback credential type for the token
X-Shimo-SignatureGraphite's signature is based on the AppId and AppSecret information of the service provider, and the Payload contains fileId , if it userId is inconsistent with the request parameters, it means that the request is not legitimate

HTTP Query Parameters

Several participantsvalueillustrate
userIduser12345Indicates the file permission of which user ID of the service provider needs to be obtained for the current query

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstring123The ID of the document in the service provider's system
namestringfile titleThe title of the document
typestringdocumentProFor a list of document types, refer to Creating a Document
creatorIdstring1The user ID of the creator of the ingestion file
createdAtstring2021-08-01T00:00:00ZThe time when the file was created recorded by the access partyUTC (0 time zone) in the format 2022-01-01T09:00:01Zof
updatedAtstring2021-08-02T00:00:00ZThe last update time of the file recorded by the access party,UTC the time (0 time zone), and the format is 2022-01-01T09:00:01Z
viewsnumber100The number of times a file is read by the ingestor and is used to display the number of views in the document. If the accessing party does not return, it will be displayed as 1 by default
permissionsobjectThe user's permission information on the filereadable needs to be true


"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "无标题表格",
"type": "spreadsheet",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": true,
"readable": true,
"copyable": true,
"exportable": true
"views": 100,
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z" // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时


Get current user information

Obtain the ID, name, and address of the current user, and use this API to obtain the user's identity information when creating, editing, and importing

The address of the request

GET /users/current/info

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
avatarstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system
teamGuidstring123The team ID of the user of the service provider system needs to be returned at the same time as file.teamGuid

Response Body Example

"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": "",
"teamGuid": "123"

Get the team information of the current user

Get information about the team the current user belongs to

The address of the request

GET /users/current/team

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstring123The ID of the team in the service provider's system
namestringXXX Company Efficiency TeamThe name of the team in the service provider system
memberCountnumber99The number of all members of the team in the service provider system

Response Body Example

"id": "123",
"name": "XXX公司效率团队",
"memberCount": 99

Obtaining the Specified User Information

This API is requested when you obtain the basic information of the user, such as the ID, name, and avatar image address, and obtains the specified user information in the collaboration scenario

The address of the request

GET /users/{userId}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
avatarstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system

Response Body Example

"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""

Get user watermark information

When the user opens or previews the document, it will try to obtain the watermark information of the current user for display on the page, and the accessing party can choose to return the corresponding information in the service as the watermark field information, or return empty according to the format, and the watermark information will be hidden on the page.

The address of the request

GET /users/{userId}/watermark

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
watermarksArray["Custom Field 1", "Custom Field 2", "Custom Field 3", ...]The watermark field returned by the service provider is returned in the form of an array of strings, each of which represents a row. When an empty array is returned, the graphite editor will not display the watermark information on the editor.

Suggested content for watermark fields

Since the watermark field currently uses string passing, there is no limit to the length of this field, for a better watermark experience, we recommend that the return fields follow the following rules:

  1. 字段数量No more than 3 one, that is,水印内容 no more than 3 one row
  2. 每个字段No more than 20 one word, that is,水印单行 no more than 20 one word

If you really need it, you can adjust it according to your own needs行数 or单行字数

Response Body Example

"watermarks": [
// 结果为字符串数组,按顺序每个单独字符串为一行显示
"watermarks": [] // 空数组

Get user information in bulk

Provide information about multiple specified users, such as ID, name, and avatar image address. If you want to display the information of multiple users when you want to display the history of multiple users in the sidebar, this API is requested

The address of the request

POST /users/batch/get

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Request Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
ids[]string["user1","user2"]A list of user IDs

Request Body Example

"ids": ["user1", "user2"]

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
items[0].avatarstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system

Response Body Example

"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid1234",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""

Obtain the directory of the user department

Obtain the department path of the specified user, and return an empty array if the user has not been assigned a department


Department paths

Refers to the list of path nodes from the department to which the user belongs to the first-level department

For example:

XX 公司效率团队      // 团队层级
└── XX 研发部 // 一级部门
└── 基础设置组
└── 后端组 // 用户所属部门
["XX 研发部", "基础设置组", "后端组"]

The address of the request

GET /users/{userId}/department-paths

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
list[0][0].idstring123The ID of the department of the service provider's system
list[0][0].namestringXX R&D DepartmentThe name of the department of the service provider's system

Response Body Example

{ "id": "123", "name": "XX 研发部" },
{ "id": "456", "name": "基础设施组" },
{ "id": "789", "name": "后端组" }
{ "id": "123", "name": "XX 研发部" },
{ "id": "456", "name": "基础设施组" },
{ "id": "1789", "name": "后端组" }
{ "id": "123", "name": "XX 研发部" },
{ "id": "456", "name": "基础设施组" },
{ "id": "2789", "name": "前端端组" }

Teams and departments

Get the list of members under a team

The address of the request

GET /teams/{teamGuid}/members?pagination=true&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Query Parameters

Several participantstypevalueillustrate
paginationbooleantrueWhether it is a paginated query
pagenumber1Paginate the pages of the query
pageSizenumber10The size of the pagination

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
items[0].avatarstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system

Response Body Example

"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid1234",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""

Get department information


When the department ID is the root node ID, pass the department ID in a special form, reference 特殊部门 ID 说明.

The address of the request

GET /departments/{departmentId}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
idstring123The department ID of the service provider's system
namestringR&D DepartmentThe name of the department of the service provider system
allMemberCountnumber99The number of all members under the current department of the service provider

Response Body Example

"id": "123",
"name": "研发部",
"allMemberCount": 99

Obtain the lower-level nodes of the department


When the department ID is the root node ID, pass the department ID in a special form, reference 特殊部门 ID 说明.

The address of the request

GET /departments/{departmentId}/children

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstring123The department ID of the service provider's system
items[0].namestringR&D DepartmentThe name of the department of the service provider system
items[0].allMemberCountnumber99The number of all members under the current department of the service provider

Response Body Example

"id": "123",
"name": "研发部",
"allMemberCount": 99
"id": "124",
"name": "财务部",
"allMemberCount": 10

Gets the member page list under the department


When the department ID is the root node ID, pass the department ID in a special form, reference 特殊部门 ID 说明.

The address of the request

GET /departments/{departmentId}/members?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Query Parameters

Several participantstypevalueillustrate
pagenumber1Paginate the pages of the query
pageSizenumber20The size of the pagination

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
totalnumber20The total number of members under the department of the service provider system
members[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
members[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
[0]Members.Awadorstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
members[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system

Response Body Example

"total": 20,
"members": [
"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid1234",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""

Get a list of users related to a file

This interface is used with the @ function for completion. When entering @ in a file, display the drop-down menu, select the mentioned user, and the accessor can return it according to your system situation, such as: the list of users most relevant to the current user, the list of users most related to the current file, or an empty array

The address of the request

GET /search/users/recent?fileId=file12345

HTTP Query Parameters

Several participantsvalueillustrate
fileIdfile12345Indicates the file ID of the service provider from which the current query is coming from

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
items[0].avatarstring avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
items[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system

Response Body Example

"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid456",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""

Get a list of files related to a file

This interface is used with the @ function for completion. When entering @ in a file, display the drop-down menu, select the mentioned file, and the accessor can return it according to its own system situation, such as: the list of files most related to the current user, the list of files most related to the current file, or return an empty array

Support for returning @ third-party files


Since third-party files cannot be collaborated, only the reference can be retained when @ is inserted in the SDK, so the following conditions need to be met when clicking to jump to the third-party page:

  1. The file information type field value is , filerefer to the following Response Example
  2. The file information field is added fullUrl as the complete address to jump to the access system, refer to the following Response Example
  3. When used by the front-end, shimo-js-sdk the connect Required Implementation openLink method is called to control the jump behavior when a link is clicked within the editor.

The address of the request

GET /search/files/recent?fileId=file12345

HTTP Query Parameters

Several participantsvalueillustrate
fileIdfile12345Indicates the file ID of the service provider from which the current query is coming from

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
items[0].idstringBA13551165CC5066The ID of the document in the service provider's system
items[0].namestringfile titleThe title of the document
items[0].typestringdocumentProThe list of document types refers to creating a document, and if it is a non-graphite collaboration file stored by a third party, it will be fixed and file uploaded
items[0].creatorIdstring1The user ID of the creator of the ingestion file
items[0].createdAtstring2021-08-01T00:00:00ZThe time when the file was created recorded by the access partyUTC (0 time zone) in the format 2022-01-01T09:00:01Zof
items[0].updatedAtstring2021-08-02T00:00:00ZThe last update time of the file recorded by the access party,UTC the time (0 time zone), and the format is 2022-01-01T09:00:01Z
items[0].viewsnumber100The number of times a file is read by the ingestor and is used to display the number of views in the document. If the accessing party does not return, it will be displayed as 1 by default
items[0].permissionsobjectInformation about the user's permissions on the file
items[0].fullUrlstring full address of the access file

Response Body Example

"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例表格",
"type": "spreadsheet",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 100
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例文档",
"type": "document",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 100
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "接入方自己的文件.docx",
"type": "file",
"permissions": {
"commentable": false,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 0,
"fullUrl": "" // 仅在文件仅为接入方自身系统的文件而非协同文档时需要传递

Search file and user lists by keyword

This interface searches with the @ function to get the results of the drop-down menu to use. When entering @, if you need to search for users or files based on keywords, the system returns the corresponding file list and user list through the requesting party, and if you do not need it, you can return the corresponding fields to an empty array

Support for returning @ third-party files


Since third-party files cannot be collaborated, only the reference can be retained when @ is inserted in the SDK, so the following conditions need to be met when clicking to jump to the third-party page:

  1. The file information type field value is , filerefer to the following Response Example
  2. The file information field is added fullUrl as the complete address to jump to the access system, refer to the following Response Example
  3. When used by the front-end, shimo-js-sdk the connect Required Implementation openLink method is called to control the jump behavior when a link is clicked within the editor.

The address of the request

POST /search

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request

HTTP Request Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
fileIdstringfiled1234The file ID of the service provider's system
keywordstringtestThe keyword of the file name or user name
pagenumber0The results of the search on the first page
pageSizenumber6The number of search results per page
typestringfile_name,recent_contact,collaborator,team_member,departmentSpecify which types of search results the search request needs to search, and return different search results on demand based on the type incoming. After splitting by comma, , the corresponding result is returned according to the type of hit.

type Description of the field

  • file_name Indicates that the file is searched by keyword, corresponding to the result in Response files .
  • recent_contact Indicates the comparison of relevant users through keyword search, corresponding to the results in the response recentUsers .
  • collaborator Indicates a search for collaborator users by keyword, corresponding to the result in Response collaborators .
  • team_member Indicates that team members are searched by keyword, corresponding to the results in Response teamMembers .
  • department Indicates the search department by keyword, corresponding to the result in Response department .

HTTP Request Body Example

"fileId": "file1234",
"keyword": "test",
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 6,
"type": "file_name,recent_contact,collaborator,team_member,department"

HTTP Response Body

The name of the fieldtypeExamples of valuesillustrate
files.countnumber3The total number of search results, including the sum of all paginated results
files.pagenumber0The current number of pages is 0, such as the value of the first page
files.pageSizenumber6The number of results for each page of pagination
files.pageCountnumber1The total number of pages in a search result is calculated based on the pagination size
files.results[0].idstringBA13551165CC5066The ID of the document in the service provider's system
files.results[0].namestringfile titleThe title of the document
files.results[0].typestringdocumentProThe list of document types refers to creating a document, and if it is a non-graphite collaboration file stored by a third party, it will be fixed and uploaded file
files.results[0].creatorIdstring1The user ID of the creator of the ingestion file
files.results[0].createdAtstring2021-08-01T00:00:00ZThe time when the file was created recorded by the access partyUTC (0 time zone) in the format 2022-01-01T09:00:01Zof
files.results[0].updatedAtstring2021-08-02T00:00:00ZThe last update time of the file recorded by the access party,UTC the time (0 time zone), and the format is 2022-01-01T09:00:01Z
files.results[0].viewsnumber100The number of times a file is read by the ingestor and is used to display the number of views in the document. If the accessing party does not return, it will be displayed as 1 by default
files.results[0].permissionsobjectInformation about the user's permissions on the file
files.results[0].fullUrlstring full address of the access file
recentUsers.countnumber3The total number of search results, including the sum of all paginated results
Receptors.pagenumber0The current number of pages is 0, such as the value of the first page
recentUsers.pageSizenumber6The number of results for each page of pagination
recentUsers.pageCountnumber1The total number of pages in a search result is calculated based on the pagination size
recentUsers.results[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
recentUsers.results[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
Receptions.resorts.avatar[0]string avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
recentUsers.results[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system
collaborators.countnumber3The total number of search results, including the sum of all paginated results
collaborators.pagenumber0The current number of pages is 0, such as the value of the first page
collaborators.pageSizenumber6The number of results for each page of pagination
collaborators.pageCountnumber1The total number of pages in a search result is calculated based on the pagination size
collaborators.results[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
collaborators.results[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
Collaborative.resorts.avatar[0]string avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
collaborators.results[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system
teamMembers.countnumber3The total number of search results, including the sum of all paginated results
teamMembers.pagenumber0The current number of pages is 0, such as the value of the first page
teamMembers.pageSizenumber6The number of results for each page of pagination
teamMembers.pageCountnumber1The total number of pages in a search result is calculated based on the pagination size
teamMembers.results[0].idstringuserid123The ID of the user of the service provider's system
teamMembers.results[0].namestringTomThe user name of the service provider's system
Timmers.resorts.avatar[0]string avatar address of the user of the service provider's system
teamMembers.results[0].emailstringuser123@fake.siteThe email address of the user of the service provider's system
department.countnumber3The total number of search results, including the sum of all paginated results
department.pagenumber0The current number of pages is 0, such as the value of the first page
department.pageSizenumber6The number of results for each page of pagination
department.pageCountnumber1The total number of pages in a search result is calculated based on the pagination size
department.results[0].idstring123The department ID of the service provider's system
department.results[0].namestringTomThe name of the department of the service provider system
department.results[0].allMemberCountnumber10The total number of current department members of the service provider system
department.results[0].parentDepartmentsArrayAll parent departments corresponding to the current department data of the service provider system, in order, 从高到底 excluding 团队 levels, starting from the first-level department, if it is already a first-level department, an empty array is returned. Since you 表格锁定 may encounter departments with the same name when searching for departments in the scene, you can use all parent departments to help distinguish departments, and if you don't need to do so, you can choose not to return to the list of parent departments.
department.results[0].parentDepartments[0].idstringThe ID of the parent department of the current department in the service provider's system
department.results[0].parentDepartments[0].namenameThe name of the parent department of the current department in the service provider system

HTTP Response Example

"files": { // 按文件名搜索的文件
"count": 3,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 6,
"pageCount": 3,
"results": [
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例表格",
"type": "spreadsheet",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 100
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "示例文档",
"type": "document",
"permissions": {
"commentable": true,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 100
"id": "ba13551165cc5066",
"name": "接入方自己的文件.docx",
"type": "file",
"permissions": {
"commentable": false,
"editable": false,
"readable": true
"creatorId": "1",
"createdAt": "2021-08-01T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"updatedAt": "2021-08-02T00:00:00Z", // UTC 时间,0 时区,在北京时间基础上减 8 小时
"views": 0,
"fullUrl": "" // 仅在文件仅为接入方自身系统的文件而非协同文档时需要传递
"recentUsers": { // 最近联系人等
"count": 2,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 6,
"pageCount": 2,
"results": [
"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid456",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"collaborators": { // 协作者
"count": 2,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 6,
"pageCount": 1,
"results": [
"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid456",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"teamMembers": { // 团队成员
"count": 2,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 6,
"pageCount": 1,
"results": [
"id": "userid123",
"name": "张三",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"id": "userid456",
"name": "李四",
"avatar": "",
"email": ""
"department": {
"count": 2,
"page": 0,
"pageSize": 6,
"pageCount": 1,
"results": [
"id": "2",
"name": "后端组",
"allMemberCount": 9,
"parentDepartments": [
"id": "3",
"name": "XXX 事业部" // 一级部门
"id": "4",
"name": "YYY 产品部"
"id": "userid456",
"name": "基础服务后端组", // 已经是一级部门
"allMemberCount": 20,
"parentDepartments": []

Push Graphite SDK related events

This interface is used to send a notification to the service provider when a graphite file triggers a specific behavior.

Events that will be pushed so far:

  • Comment
  • Discussion
  • MentionAt (MentionAt @人)
  • DateMention (DateMention)
  • File Content Update (FileContent)
  • Document collaborator collaboration status changes
  • Revision
  • System Events
    • The callback request is incorrect

The address of the request

POST /events

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-TokenThe token provided by the service provider is used for the service provider to authenticate the request
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventUsed to identify specific event types

Request parameters and request bodies vary depending on the event.

Comment (Comment)

When a comment is created, a comment is updated, a comment is deleted, or a comment is closed, and the corresponding event push is triggered.

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventCommentUsed to identify specific event types

Light documents

Add a comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment", // 预留评论下的小分类,目前就 comment
"action": "create", // 业务操作
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"comment": {
"guid": "wS2uTQBMuujrwaGZ", // 评论 ID
"content": "这是评论内容", // 评论内容
"userIds": ["user1", "user2"], // 评论中若有 at 用户,此参数会传递一份,也可通过 mention_at 事件中获取
"selectionGuid": "comment-Ynimup3kBXoxwF4j", // 评论划词高亮区域的 ID
"selectionContent": "123123123123"
Delete the comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "delete",
"fileId": "5b4f80b2aeb9d47d",
"userId": "1",
"deleteComment": {
"guid": "EGhnSobUZWujKG2g", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-Ynimup3kBXoxwF4j" // 划词高亮区域 ID
End comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "closeComments",
"fileId": "5b4f80b2aeb9d47d",
"userId": "1",
"closeComment": {
"selectionGuid": "comment-Ynimup3kBXoxwF4j" // 划词高亮区域 ID


Add a comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "6ee9f8da39498a33",
"userId": "1",
"comment": {
"guid": "8dkDnFH6HPaGPqD1", // 评论 ID
"selectionTitle": "MODOC", // 评论所在表格 sheet ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-OWTDgRUtF1LDoLwh", // 评论所在位置 ID
"content": "测试表格评论", // 评论内容
"userIds": ["user1", "user2"] // at 的用户列表,没有则空
Delete the comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "delete",
"fileId": "6ee9f8da39498a33",
"userId": "1",
"deleteComment": {
"guid": "bfdbJyDNlctJXcnw", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-OWTDgRUtF1LDoLwh" // 评论位置区域 ID
End comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "closeComments",
"fileId": "6ee9f8da39498a33",
"userId": "1",
"closeComment": {
"selectionGuid": "comment-OWTDgRUtF1LDoLwh" // 评论位置区域 ID

Traditional documentation

Add a comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "691f6abc72f769a4",
"userId": "1",
"comment": {
"guid": "ZwOJjlTDHcPda0V4", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-Y29tbWVudD05Ng==", // 划词高亮区域 ID
"content": "3123123", // 评论内容
"userIds": ["user1"] // 评论中 at 的用户,若无则为空
Update the review
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "update",
"fileId": "691f6abc72f769a4",
"userId": "1",
"comment": {
"guid": "ZwOJjlTDHcPda0V4", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-Y29tbWVudD05Ng==", // 划词高亮区域 ID
"content": "312312345666", // 更新的评论内容
"userIds": ["user1"] // 评论中 at 的用户,若无则为空
Delete the comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "delete",
"fileId": "691f6abc72f769a4",
"userId": "1",
"deleteComment": {
"guid": "JrJWv9VuuOWlEo64", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-Y29tbWVudD05Ng==" // 划词高亮区域 ID


Add a comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "6ee9f8da39498a33",
"userId": "1",
"comment": {
"guid": "Ddg3iIcz1nfqJSo9", // 评论 ID
"selectionTitle": "s2f6cb94", // 评论所在幻灯片页面 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-rrsIAvomFD3girqU", // 评论所在位置 ID
"content": "测试评论", // 评论内容
"userIds": [] // 幻灯片暂不支持 at 用户,为空
Delete the comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "delete",
"fileId": "6ee9f8da39498a33",
"userId": "1",
"deleteComment": {
"guid": "Ddg3iIcz1nfqJSo9", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-rrsIAvomFD3girqU" // 评论位置区域 ID
End comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "closeComments",
"fileId": "6ee9f8da39498a33",
"userId": "1",
"closeComment": {
"selectionGuid": "comment-rrsIAvomFD3girqU" // 评论位置区域 ID

Application tables

Add a comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "794821fa1c537c88",
"userId": "5",
"comment": {
"guid": "vi3sZCU3SPmYkaPL",
"selectionTitle": "tiAtgfY7iRH", // 工作表 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-5CZl3gADOnG", // 评论位置
"selectionContent": "JAuXsJM8obN:标题", //
"content": "123123123 @yanjixiong ",
"userIds": ["5"]
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "794821fa1c537c88",
"userId": "5",
"comment": {
"guid": "wY2THFlt3HoxbpMI", // 评论 ID
"selectionTitle": "tiAtgfY7iRH", // 工作表 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-r3Zmnqa1lm2", // 评论位置
"content": "123132", // 评论内容
"userIds": [],
"replyTo": "JIyRqgGY3GzyNj0d", // 回复的评论 ID
"replyComment": {
"userId": "5", // 被回复评论的创建者
"commentGuid": "JIyRqgGY3GzyNj0d", // 被回复评论的 ID
"selectionTitle": "tiAtgfY7iRH", // 工作表 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-r3Zmnqa1lm2" // 评论位置
Delete the comment
"kind": "comment",
"type": "comment",
"action": "delete",
"fileId": "794821fa1c537c88",
"userId": "5",
"deleteComment": {
"guid": "vi3sZCU3SPmYkaPL", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-5CZl3gADOnG" // 评论位置

Discussion (Discussion)

When a discussion message is created, an event push is triggered.

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventDiscussionUsed to identify specific event types

Light documents

Send a discussion message
"kind": "discussion",
"type": "discussion", // 预留讨论下的小分类,目前就 discussion
"action": "create",
"fileId": "5b4f80b2aeb9d47d", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"discussion": {
"id": "61f0bc916014eb0006c85c6f", // 讨论消息 ID
"unixus": 1643166865906215, // 时间,微秒
"content": "123",
"positionId": "" // 预留字段,目前无用


This event is triggered when one or more users are @ in a Comment, Discussion message.

A list of @ user IDs, which are passed to the accessing party by the SDK in the event data. **

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventMentionAtUsed to identify specific event types

Light documents

In the comments at

HTTP Request Body

"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "comment", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"comment": {
"guid": "yAvBcaQON88pGq5C", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-MSS0l7ZjOzoDzs8M", // 评论划词 ID
"selectionContent": "123123", // 选中文字
"content": "@zhangsan @lisi 123", // 评论内容
"userIds": ["user1", "user2"] // 评论中 @ 的用户
In the discussion at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "discussion", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"discussion": {
"id": "61e69df547051f0006eb972e", // 讨论 ID
"unixus": 1642503669147636, // 发送时间
"content": "@zhangsan 12312313", // 讨论发送内容
"userIds": ["user1", "user2"] // 讨论中 @ 的用户
In the body at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "mention_at", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"mentionAt": {
"guid": "lJ48R1wX26xARMni", // at 人在内容中的标识
"content": "在 at 人前面的文字 @yinfeng", // at 文字内容,轻文档会包含 at 前面的文字
"userId": "user1" // 提及的 userId


Discussion is not supported at this time

In the comments at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "comment", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"comment": {
"guid": "AChYTfButGeGArBi", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-vTBHz6FpLckq2duh", // 评论划词 ID
"selectionTitle": "MODOC", // 表格场景为 sheetId
"content": "@zhangsan 123", // 评论内容
"userIds": ["user1"] // 评论中 @ 的用户
In the body at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "mention_at", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"mentionAt": {
"guid": "MODOChZuU2S8M35Y", // at 人在内容中的标识
"content": "at 前面的文字", // at 文字内容,不包含 at 文字本身
"userId": "user1" // 提及的 userId

Traditional documentation

Discussion is not supported at this time

In the comments at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "comment", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"comment": {
"guid": "A3pRPpD08scPV1Pc", // 评论 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-A3pRPpD08scPV1Pc", // 评论划词 ID
"content": "@zhanguang 123123", // 评论内容
"userIds": ["user1"] // 评论中 @ 的用户
In the body at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "mention_at", // 子分类,comment、discussion、mention_at
"action": "create", // create 等
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"mentionAt": {
"guid": "Ym9va21hcms9X0F0MQ==", // at 人在内容中的标识
"userId": "user1" // 提及的 userId


AT is not supported

Application tables

Discussion is not supported at this time

In the comments at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "comment",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "794821fa1c537c88",
"userId": "5",
"comment": {
"guid": "61p3ftQ8XuE31oba", // 评论 ID
"selectionTitle": "tiAtgfY7iRH", // 工作表 ID
"selectionGuid": "comment-5ehKQW140LZ", // 评论位置 ID
"selectionContent": "JAuXsJM8obN:标题",
"content": "12312312313 @zhangsan", // 评论 at 内容
"userIds": ["2"] // 提及用户
In the body at
"kind": "mention_at",
"type": "mention_at",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "794821fa1c537c88",
"userId": "5",
"mentionAt": {
"guid": "tiAtgfY7iRHthWE9C0jIFcskBkByFcwVAhFQMQVEgj0B",
"userId": "1" // 提及用户

DateMention (DateMention)

When a date reminder rule is inserted into a file, the rule information is pushed to the access party, so that the access party can implement the regular reminder function in the business system based on the creation, update, and deletion events as needed.


⚠️ The Graphite SDK will 立即 push 创建the , , and修改``删除 events to the accessing party after the operation on the page, and the regular reminder function needs to be implemented by the business system, and the Graphite SDK will not send any event notification when the target time is reached.

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventDateMentionUsed to identify specific event types

Light documents

HTTP Request Body

"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "create",
"createData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq", // 提醒 ID
"fileId": "ac4ce108419f103c", // 文件 ID
"authorId": "12", // 创建者用户 ID
"content": "<a>2022年1月19日 </a>", // 提醒文字
"remindUserIds": ["12"], // 提醒用户
"remindAt": "2021-12-07T15:00:00Z", // 提醒时间
"positionId": "12" // 预留字段,暂无用途
"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "update",
"updateData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq", // 提醒 ID
"content": "<a>2022年1月20日 </a>", // 提醒文字
"remindUserIds": ["user1"], // 提醒用户
"remindAt": "2021-12-07T15:00:00Z", // 提醒时间
"positionId": "12" // 预留字段,暂无用途
"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "remove",
"removeData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq" // 提醒 ID


HTTP Request Body

"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "create",
"createData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq", // 提醒 ID
"fileId": "ac4ce108419f103c", // 文件 ID
"authorId": "12", // 创建者用户 ID
"content": "123", // 提醒文字,若未设置文字,则为空
"remindUserIds": ["12"], // 提醒用户
"remindAt": "2021-12-07T15:00:00Z", // 提醒时间
"positionId": "MODOC-QjUpDSt3swY6Tlir" // 预留字段,暂无用途
"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "update",
"updateData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq", // 提醒 ID
"content": "12313", // 提醒文字
"remindUserIds": ["12"], // 提醒用户
"remindAt": "2021-12-07T15:00:00Z", // 提醒时间
"positionId": "MODOC-QjUpDSt3swY6Tlir" // 预留字段,暂无用途
"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "remove",
"removeData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq" // 提醒 ID

Traditional documentation

HTTP Request Body

"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "create",
"createData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq", // 提醒 ID
"fileId": "ac4ce108419f103c", // 文件 ID
"authorId": "12", // 创建者用户 ID
"content": "2022年01月19日, 周三", // 提醒文字
"remindAt": "2021-12-07T15:00:00Z", // 提醒时间
"positionId": "36" // 预留字段,暂无用途
"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "update",
"updateData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq", // 提醒 ID
"content": "2022年01月21日, 周五 19:56", // 提醒文字
"remindAt": "2021-12-07T15:00:00Z", // 提醒时间
"positionId": "36" // 预留字段,暂无用途
"kind": "mention",
"type": "date_mention",
"action": "remove",
"removeData": {
"id": "MlRFslp55Mrt19Iq" // 提醒 ID


Not at this time

File Content Update (FileContent)

This event is triggered when the file is modified by a user and processed by the server.

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Credential-Type3Unable to provide the callback credential type for the token
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventFileContentUsed to identify specific event types
X-Shimo-Signatureebc1cde3-9b57-4962-883d-54302d428600When graphite cannot provide the accessor token, the corresponding appId and secret of the accessor are used to generate a signature for callback interface verification

HTTP Request Body

"kind": "fileContent",
"type": "fileContent",
"action": "update",
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"fileContent": {
"version": 2 // 此事件发生时产生的新版本
"timestamp": 1635732089224 // 此事件产生的时间

Document Collaborator Collaboration Status Change

This event is pushed when the current users of a document are changed.

Events can action distinguish user behavior by the value of

  • enter If there is no abnormality in the network, enter the document and trigger this event
  • leave This event is triggered when a user closes a document or when the network is disconnected

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Credential-Type3Unable to provide the callback credential type for the token
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventCollaboratorUsed to identify specific event types
X-Shimo-Signatureebc1cde3-9b57-4962-883d-54302d428600When graphite cannot provide the accessor token, the corresponding appId and secret of the accessor are used to generate a signature for callback interface verification

HTTP Request Body

"kind": "collaborator",
"action": "enter", // enter 或 leave 代表用户加入或退出协作
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"collaboratorChanged": {
// 一个用户可能有多个clientId参与同一个文档的协作
"clientId": "47c8c791-9938-4f09-b76a-d6a2dc3cda5e"
"timestamp": 1635732089224 // 此事件产生的时间

Revision (Revision)

This event is pushed when a user creates, modifies, or deletes a version and is successfully processed by the server.

Events can action distinguish user behavior by the value of

  • create This event is triggered when a user creates a version
  • update This event is triggered when a user modifies a version
  • delete This event is triggered when a user deletes a version

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventRevisionUsed to identify specific event types

HTTP Request Body

"kind": "revision",
"action": "create",
"fileId": "file1", // 接入方文件 ID
"userId": "user1", // 接入方用户 ID
"revision": {
// 事件对应版本的 id
"revisionId": 1348,
// 版本的标题
"title": "无标题",
// 版本的标签
"label": "2022/2/28 星期一 18:12",
// 文档版本的 id
"docHistoryId": "621c9ff51125670006875854"
"timestamp": 1635732089224 // 此事件产生的时间

System event { #events-system}

Push SDK system-level events, which are currently experimental and subject to future adjustments or changes.

HTTP Request Headers

Header 名valueillustrate
X-Shimo-Sdk-EventSystemUsed to identify specific event types

The (experimental) callback request is incorrect

When the SDK requests that the accessing interface is abnormal, 请求数据 the SDK pushes and and 响应数据 SDK errors to the accessing interface through this message to discover the accessing party's own callback interface problems in a timely manner.

Instructions for use

This event contains only some requested error messages, and does not include all scenarios, so it is not recommended to rely on this event as the basis for whether the callback is normal.

HTTP Request Body

For more information about Request Headers, see Callback Credential Types

  • X-Shimo-Credential-Type
  • X-Shimo-Token
  • X-Shimo-Signature
"kind": "System",
"type": "endpointCallback",
"appId": "your app id",
"timestamp": 1669610727509, // 此事件产生的时间戳,单位毫秒
"request": {
// 错误回调请求的请求数据
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"X-Shimo-APP-ID": "your app id",
"X-Shimo-Credential-Type": "0", // 0 代表使用用户 token 发起的回调请求, 3 表示石墨 SDK 主动签名发起的回调请求
"X-Shimo-Token": "your user token",
"X-Shimo-Signature": "the signature generate by sdk"
"url": "http://your-callback-api-host/callback/users/current/info",
"body": ""
"response": {
// 错误回调请求的响应数据
"headers": {
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Content-Length": "9",
"Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8",
"Date": "Mon, 28 Nov 2022 04:45:27 GMT"
"status": 404,
"body": "Not Found"
"errorMessage": "endpoint: request endpoint server failed with status code 0, code 10009, message: GET request failed (http://your-callback-api-host/callback/users/current/info) with status code: 404 "