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Version: SDK-3.10

Error code comparison

The access party implements interface error codes

Error codesError code descriptionsolution
10001An invalid endpoint addressConfirm that the endpoint callback address prefix of the app is set correctly, and use the更新应用信息 API to update endpointUrl the field
10002Obtain the specified file information 404Check the access 文件信息party interface implementation
10003Get current user information 404Check the access 当前用户party interface implementation
10004Get the specified user information 404Check the access 指定用户信息party interface implementation
10005Get the list of user information 404Check the access 用户列表信息party interface implementation
10006Get a list of 404 users with collaboration privilegesCheck the access 协作权限用户列表party interface implementation
10007Search for the recent contact list 404Check the access 获取最近用户party interface implementation
10008Search for the list of recently used files 404Check the access 获取最近使用文件party interface implementation
10009An HTTP error occurs on the callback interface of the access party, and the status code is >= 400Check the interface of the access party
10010Invalid normal HTTP status code, only 200 is recognizedCheck the interface implementation of the access party, and the status code of 200 is considered to be normal
10011Not legitimate JSON dataCheck whether the accessing party returns data correctly as described in the document JSON 格式数据``字段结构``字段类型
10012File data is not as expectedIf the file information does not meet expectations, check the access party文件信息 interface
10013The FileType data is not as expectedIf 获取文件类型the interface returns does not meet expectations, check whether the implementation of the access party is consistent with the description in the document
10014User data is not as expected用户信息If the interface does not meet expectations, check whether the interface implemented by the accessing party is consistent with the relevant documentation
10015A network error occurred when requesting the access party to call back the interfaceendpointUrl When a request is made to the assembled accessor callback interface, a network error is encountered, and whether the Graphite SDK cluster environment cannot be connected to endpointUrl the callback address of the accessor pointed to by the domain name or IP, such as the inability to access the public network, network configuration, and other factors
Error codesError code descriptionsolution
20001Error in creating app parametersCheck the parameters as prompted
20002Failed to create an appIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
20003Update app parameter errorCheck the parameters as prompted
20004The update app failedIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
20005The app doesn't existCheck the URL parameter application ID
Error codesError code descriptionsolution
30001The parameters for creating an access account are incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
30002Failed to create an access accountIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
30003The login parameters are incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
30004Login verification failedIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
30005Failed to generate tokensIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
30006The account and password do not matchPlease check whether the account number and password are entered correctly
30007The password parameter is incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
30008Failed to change the passwordIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
Error codesError code descriptionsolution
70001The file parameter is incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
70003Failed to initialize file contentsIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
70004Failed to create file informationIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
70005Failed to create file historyIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
70006Initialization of collaborative document content failed or was not initializedCheck whether the following are the following:1. When creating a collaborative document fails, the unprocessed error opens the document directly with the file ID. Need to deal with errors 2. Without waiting for the import task to end, open the document directly with the file ID. Need to get progress until success or failure 3. The object storage service provided by the access party is unavailable
70007The content of the initialization collaboration document is abnormalPlease contact graphite personnel when appearing
70008Unrecognized file typePlease check the file type
70012The file corresponding to the file ID already existsPlease check the file ID
70013The file does not existConfirm that you can 创建协同文档 access this collaboration document 导入文件 after success or 获取导入进度 after completion. If you encounter a Create Failure (HTTP Status >= 400) or an Import Error (Import File or Get Import Progress Failed), handle it accordingly and should not open the file after the failure
70015The source file content was obtained abnormallyIf it can be ignored and repeated, please contact graphite personnel for troubleshooting
70016The target file already exists, but the Create Copy task was not foundRecurrence: It is recommended to recreate the copy after deleting the file using the target file ID
70017Failed to create a copy of the target fileWhen this error occurs, Graphite deletes the target file association record
70018An error is reported when you get the task of creating a replicaIf it happens occasionally, you can ignore it and try again, and if it happens, please contact graphite personnel to troubleshoot
70019The Create Replica task is in progressYou need to try again to get the latest status
70020Unknown quest task statusIf it happens occasionally, you can ignore it and try again, and if it happens, please contact graphite personnel to troubleshoot
60010The Get Sidebar History parameter is incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
60011Get all historical failuresIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
60012Historical content errorsIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
60014Failed to obtain user information created in historyIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
100002Failed to get version listIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
100003Failed to obtain user information for version creationIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated

File preview

Error codesError code descriptionsolution
90028The preview is already being createdSee if you can create multiple previews of the same file at the same time
90031Preview import exceptionsIf it happens occasionally, you can try again
90032Preview import failedCheck if the file format is correct
90033Preview types are not supportedPreview types are not supported
90035The preview file failed to downloadCheck whether the download link returned by the file meta information callback API is normal
90040Unknown bugFor details about the error, see the message field returned, which can be retried
90042Files with passwordsCheck if the file has a password
90043The preview image is not formatted correctlyCheck the file format
90050, 90052The file size is too largeTry splitting the file before previewing it
90054The preview build timed outIf it happens occasionally, you can try again

Import and export

Error codesError code descriptionsolution
120001The import parameters are incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
120002The import failedIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
120003Import permission errorPlease check that you are logged in and that your current account has permissions on the current file
120004The import progress query parameter is incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
120005The import progress query failedIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
120006The export parameter is incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
120007The export failedIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
120008The export progress parameter is incorrectCheck the parameters as prompted
120009The export progress query failedIf the occurrence can be ignored, please contact the graphite personnel if it is repeated
120010Import progress not foundCheck whether an import task has been created for the file
120011The import progress result has timed outThe import task has expired and must be recreated
120012The exported source file type is not supportedPlease check the export formats that are supported by the current document
120013Files cannot be exported to their current formatPlease export to other formats
120015The file has been importedPlease upload the file again and import it again
120016Files cannot be importedPlease check the file name as well as the file type
120017The import task is not createdCreate an import task first
120018The import file is too largeTry splitting the file before importing it
120019The import file size is invalidPlease check if the import file is empty
120020There are no export permissionsCheck whether you have export permissions for the file
120022The export task has not been created, or has expiredPlease recreate the export task
120023The export result failed to be parsed or has expiredPlease recreate the export task
120024The import result failed to be parsed or has expiredPlease recreate the import task
120502The form is password protectedPlease unencrypt and import again
120503The parsed data of the table is greater than 80Mbit/s, which exceeds the platform limit. The import could not be successfulTry splitting the table before importing it
120504There are broken internal links after the table is parsedPlease delete the internal link before importing it
120505The table is too large and the parsing failsCheck whether there is redundant data in the table, and try to delete the redundant blank rows and columns before importing
120506Tables are in Strict Open XML format and cannot be importedPlease save it as an Excel workbook (*.xlsx) before importing
120507The file format and extension are invalid, and the table cannot be openedPlease check your documents
120508Tables are in XLSB format and do not support importOpen Save as Excel Workbook (.xlsx) format before importing
120509The number of table cells has exceeded 2 millionTry splitting the table before importing it
120510The total number of table cells has exceeded 5 millionTry splitting the table before importing it
120511Import/export exceptionsPlease re-import/export
120512The import file is too large and the data parsing is abnormalTry splitting the file before importing it
120513The maximum Excel row limit has been reached and cannot be exportedPlease remove redundant blank lines
120514The export fails due to the file size being too large or the number of imagesSplit it into multiple tables and export them one by one
120515The sheet name cannot contain special charactersPlease remove the / \ ? * : ' ] [ and so on
120516The service is currently busyPlease try it later
120517The document password is incorrectPlease re-enter
120518The limit of the export image format has been exceededPlease export to other formats